
Spider vs Button vs Triangle

Spider vs Button vs Triangle

Spider is a kind of jointed animals with two body segments, four pairs of legs, wingless, and did not have a mouth cud. Button is a small tool shaped flat and round paired with a buttonhole to unify the two pieces of fabric overlap, or as ornaments. A triangle in geometry is a polygon with three segments that determine three points of the plane and its limitation. Who will win?

Spider is a kind of jointed animals with two body segments, four pairs of legs, wingless, and did not have a mouth cud
Spider is a kind of jointed animals (arthropods) with two body segments, four pairs of legs, wingless, and did not have a mouth cud. All spiders are classified in the order Araneae; and together with scorpions, scorpion, eight-legged mite-all put in the class Arachnida. Field study of spiders called arachnologi.

Araneae is the largest order in arachnids and rank seventh in total species diversity among all orders of organisms. Spiders can be found worldwide on every continent except Antarctica, and has survived long in almost every habitat with the exception of air and sea colonization. In February 2016, at least 45 800 species and 114 parts spiders have been recorded by taxonomists. However, there has been a split within the scientific community as to how all these families are classified as since 1900 there have been more than 20 different classifications have been proposed.

Spiders are predators (carnivores), sometimes cannibals. Its main prey are insects. Almost all species of spiders, with the exception of about 150 species of tribe Uloboridae and Holarchaeidae, and suborder Mesothelae, able to inject either through a pair of fangs to the enemy or prey. Nevertheless, tens of thousands of species, only about 200 species whose bite can be dangerous to humans.

Not all spiders make webs to catch prey, but all of them able to produce the silk-protein fiber strands are thin but strong-gland (called spinnerets) which is located at the back of his body. The silk fiber is very useful to help the movement of the spider, swinging from one place to another, ensnaring prey, making egg sacs, protecting the nest holes, and others.

Button is a small tool shaped flat and round paired with a buttonhole to unify the two pieces of fabric overlap, or as ornaments
Button is a small tool shaped flat and round paired with a buttonhole to unify the two pieces of fabric overlap, or as ornaments. Besides round, buttons are also made in various shapes such as round, square, and triangle.

Buttonholes made by punching holes in the fabric and sew the edges with hand or machine sewing needles. Depending on the type of openings, slit buttonholes can be made horizontally or vertically. Studs stuck after being put in a buttonhole for stitching buttonholes studs caught in the periphery.

The most common materials are hard plastic studs. In addition, buttons are made from synthetic materials such as celluloid, glass, metal and bakelite, or natural materials such as horn, bone, ivory, shell, wood.

The layout of the buttons is a part of fashion design. Buttons can be mounted on the front of the middle (shirts, jackets, blouses, kebaya), the back of the dress, shirt and jacket cuffs, or shoulder (epaulette). In parts of her clothes, buttons mounted on the left side and buttonholes on the right side. In contrast, men shirt buttons are on the right side and buttonholes on the left side. A garment generally fitted with buttons in the shape, size, color, and the same motif.

A triangle in geometry is a polygon with three segments that determine three points of the plane and its limitation
A triangle in geometry is a polygon with three segments that determine three points of the plane and its limitation. Each given point belongs to two segmentos.1 common to each pair of points are called segments triángulo2 vertices and segments are determined straight side of the triangle. Two adjacent sides form one of the interior angles of the triangle. A triangle is a strictly convex figure.

A triangle has three interior angles, three congruent pairs of exterior angles, 3 three sides and three vertices among other elements.

If you contained in a flat surface is called triangle, or trigone, a less common name for this type of polygons. If contained in a spherical surface it is called spherical triangle. It represented, in cartography, on the earth's surface, is called geodesic triangle.