
Poisonous Animal vs Pepper vs Staircase

Poisonous Animal vs Pepper vs Staircase

A poisonous animal is one that has poison glands to produce and has structures like fangs, thorns or prickles by which they transmit. Pepper is a species of the family of Piperaceae, cultivated for its fruit, which is used as a dried spice. A staircase is a construction designed to communicate several spaces at different heights. Who will win?

A poisonous animal is one that has poison glands to produce and has structures like fangs, thorns or prickles by which they transmit
Poisonous Animal
A poisonous animal is one that has poison glands to produce and has structures like fangs, thorns or prickles by which they transmit. Poisoning can be active or passive, being active when the animal, by "voluntarily" attacks a living being; and liability when, accidentally, the living being suffers the effects of poison.

Poisonous animals are considered important in biodiversity, although the number of species and individuals is not very high. Its preservation is important for both the natural environment and for study; in recent years, their poisons have served for substances that help counteract the current diseases, including antidotes.

There are several reasons why these species should be protected:
- Play important roles in the dynamics and balance of ecosystems.
- There are a variety of them, are a very important part of biodiversity.
- The biochemical properties of their venoms are an important source of information for the development of new medicines.

Pepper is a species of the family of Piperaceae, cultivated for its fruit, which is used as a dried spice
Pepper is a species of the family of Piperaceae, cultivated for its fruit, which is used as a dried spice. The fruit is a drupe (about 5 mm) that can be used whole or powdered obtaining varieties such as black, white or green, with the only difference being the degree of ripening grain.

Pepper has been cultivated since ancient times, originally in India. In the Middle Ages it was ground and used to counter the taste of rotting food. It was introduced in Greece by Alexander the Great. Legend has it that Eudoxus of Cyzicus was the first European in addition to other spices bring pepper to Europe.

The Arabs controlled the trade of pepper and many other spices for centuries after the fall of the Byzantine Empire was Venice who distributed and collected the gold to pay for East pepper and other spices almost exclusive mode. It was such a rare and expensive product that it was used as currency during the Middle Ages. Its high value was one of the reasons why the Portuguese sought the route to the Spice Islands in the East around Africa.

A staircase is a construction designed to communicate several spaces at different heights
A staircase is a construction designed to communicate several spaces at different heights. It consists of steps (steps) and can have several separated by breaks, plateaus or landings sections.

They can be fixed, transportable or mobile. A broad, usually artistic or monumental staircase, is called steps. The transportable, made with wood, rope or both materials, is called scale. One whose steps move mechanically called escalator.

They must be able to climb stairs keeping pace to prevent falls. To do this, its slope must be constant. That is, the geometric ratio between the depth of the steps (called footprint) and height of these (called riser, riser or camber) must be constant. If we call H to the length of the trace and C to the riser, the ratio of both is the slope (m) of the ladder: m = C / H

For ergonomic and safety reasons, fixed ladders, the values ​​of C and H, expressed in centimeters, must meet the following relationship: 2C + H = 64 cm, or formula measurement step.

A suitable standard for the design of stairs is to make the sum of the depth of the tread, plus twice the height of the raiser is equal to the average length of one step (from 59 to 68 cm) and no more than 16 steps in each section. The track width must be greater than 80 cm per person, and one meter in emergency. The steps are always the same on the same flight of stairs to avoid missteps.