
Facebook vs Fly vs Mayonnaise

Facebook vs Fly vs Mayonnaise

Facebook is a social networking service launched in February 2004, and is headquartered in Menlo Park, California, United States. Fly is insect of the order Diptera (from the Greek word di mean two and ptera mean wings). Mayonnaise is one type of sauce made from vegetable oil the main ingredient, egg and vinegar. Who will win?

Facebook is a social networking service launched in February 2004, and is headquartered in Menlo Park, California, United States
Facebook is a social networking service launched in February 2004, and is headquartered in Menlo Park, California, United States. In September 2012, Facebook has more than one billion active users, more than half of them using a mobile phone. Users must register before you can use this site. After that, users can create a personal profile, add other users as friends, and exchange messages, including automatic notifications when they update their profile. Additionally, users can join a group of users with the same interests, sorted by workplace, school or college, or other characteristic, and categorize their friends into lists such as "Partners" or "Close Friends".

Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg with his college roommates and fellow Harvard University students Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz, and Chris Hughes. Membership web site was initially limited to Harvard students, then expanded to other colleges in the Boston, Ivy League, and Stanford University. It gradually opening up to students at various other universities before opening to high school students, and eventually to anyone aged 13 and over. Even so, according to Consumer Reports survey of May 2011, there are 7.5 million children under the age of 13 who have a Facebook account and another 5 million are under 10 years, thus violating the terms of service of this site.

Most of Facebook revenue comes from advertising. Microsoft is Facebook's exclusive associates serve banner ads, and Facebook only serves advertisements that fall into Microsoft's ad inventory. According to comScore, an Internet marketing research company, Facebook obtaining data from visitors as much as Google and Microsoft, but slightly less than Yahoo !. In 2010, the Facebook security team began expanding its efforts to reduce the risk of user privacy. On 6 November 2007, Facebook launched Facebook Beacon, which later became the failed attempt to advertise to friends using the manual way of "what to buy friends".

Fly is insect of the order Diptera (from the Greek word di mean two and ptera mean wings)
Fly is insect of the order Diptera (from the Greek word di mean two and ptera mean wings). The most obvious difference between flies and other insect orders are the flies have a pair of wings to fly and a pair of dumbbells, coming from the rear wing, the metatoraks (except some species of flies that can not fly). The only other insect orders which have two wings that really works and has a halter is Strepsiptera. But, in contrast with flies, halter Strepsitera is in mesotoraks and wings in metatoraks.

Body flies are usually short and slender, have adapted to the movement of air. TAGMA first of flies, head, consisting of ocelli, antennae, compound eyes, and mouth parts (labrum, labium, mandible and maxilla). TAGMA second, thoracic, hold the wings and have the flight muscles in the second segment, the shape enlarged. The first and third sections is smaller. In the third thoracic vertebra are halter, which helps balance the flies for fly. Further adaptations to fly is a reduction in the number and concentration of nerve ganglion nerve tissue in the thorax, a feature that is most different in infraordo Muscomorpha.

No species of flies that have teeth or or other organ that allows them to eat solid food. Flies only eat liquid food or small granules, such as pollen, and parts of the mouth and digestive they show modifications that varies according to the type of food. Tabanidae females using mandibular and maxillary like use a knife to make an incision across his skin and suck the blood of the host. Stomach tabanidae including large diverticula, allowing the insect to deposit small amounts of fluids after a meal.

Mayonnaise is one type of sauce made from vegetable oil the main ingredient, egg and vinegar
Mayonnaise is one type of sauce made from vegetable oil the main ingredient, egg and vinegar. Mayonnaise is generally used as a flavoring in foods such as lettuce or sandwich. No mayonnaise that use only egg yolks only or using lemon juice or mustard as flavorings.

In North America, is used as a spread mayonnaise sandwich, sauce for french fries in Europe (especially in the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemburg and has extended to the United Kingdom, France, most of Canada and Australia). In France mayonnaise is used as a dressing eat a boiled egg or a chicken dish cold, while in Japan used as a sauce variety of foods such as okonomiyaki, yakisoba, takoyaki, ebi furai and pizza.

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the mayonnaise was first used in English cookery book in 1841. Mayonnaise supposedly created by a cook (chef) France named Louis François Armand du Plessis, duc de Richelieu in 1756 to celebrate the victory of France seized the port of Mahon ( the capital of Minorca in the Balearic Islands). "Mahón" is the French spelling for the port of Mahon making sauces created named "mahónnaise sauce" (sauce from Mahon). Sauce mahónnaise is the origin of the word "mayonnaise", but the story is supposedly less trustworthy.

Another source more trustworthy saying sauce Mayonnaise name taken from the name of Charles of Lorraine, Duke of Mayenne origin northwestern France. It is said that the cold sauce eaten with chicken by Charles de Lorraine, duc de Mayenne called "Mayennaise".