
Planet vs Mosquito Net vs Itch

Planet vs Mosquito Net vs Itch

Planet is the object of astronomy that orbits a star or the rest of the star is big enough to have gravity alone and has been "clean" the area around its orbit is filled with planetesimals. Mosquito nets provide protection against mosquitoes, flies, and other insects including diseases caused by these insects, such as malaria and filariasis. Itching is a peculiar tingling or uneasy irritation of the skin that leads to a desire to scratch the part in question. Who will win?

Planet is the object of astronomy that orbits a star or the rest of the star is big enough to have gravity alone and has been "clean" the area around its orbit is filled with planetesimals
Planet (from Ancient Greek αστήρ πλανήτης (ASTER planētēs), meaning "Save Castaways") is the object of astronomy that orbits a star or the rest of the star is big enough to have gravity alone, not too large to create thermonuclear fusion, and has been "clean" the area around its orbit is filled with planetesimals.

The word planet has long existed and terms of history, science, mythology, and religion. By ancient civilizations, planets seen as something lasting or representative of a god. Along the progress of science, mankind's view of planetary change.

In general, the planet is divided into two main types: low density gas giants, big and small giant rocky ground. By definition the IAU, there are eight planets in the Solar System. According to its distance from the Sun (near to far), there are four terrestrial planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars, then the four gas giants, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Six planets of which is surrounded by one or more natural satellites. In addition, the IAU recognizes five dwarf planets and hundreds of thousands of small objects of the Solar System. They also still considering other objects to be classified as a planet.

Mosquito nets provide protection against mosquitoes, flies, and other insects including diseases caused by these insects, such as malaria and filariasis
Mosquito net
Mosquito nets provide protection against mosquitoes, flies, and other insects including diseases caused by these insects, such as malaria and filariasis. The valance is a thin curtain, translucent, with nets that can withstand a variety of insect bite or annoy people who use it. Webs made such that even if the insects can not enter but still lets air pass. Mosquito nets are often referred to as bedcanopy. Mosquito nets are commonly used as a tent that covered the bed. In order to function effectively, be taken to ensure there are no holes or cracks that allow insects from entering. Mosquito nets are also there that already have the framework of self-sustaining or known also by self propping bedcanopy.

The mosquito nets were added insecticide was developed in 1980 for the prevention of malaria. The mosquito net was added or permethrin pyrethroid insecticides that kill and repel mosquitoes. A study conducted in East Flores show that the use of bed nets, written insecticide permethrin 0.20 g / m2 to reduce the incidence of malaria and filariasis during 5 months of use from 25.70% to 21.95% for malaria and from 4.20% to 2.44% for filariasis.

Itching is a peculiar tingling or uneasy irritation of the skin that leads to a desire to scratch the part in question
Itching is a peculiar tingling or uneasy irritation of the skin that leads to a desire to scratch the part in question. Commonly called itching, stinging or itching (in some countries called itching or itchy, although these terms are often pejorative).

Although it was previously thought that the itching was a kind of pain of low intensity, it is now known that pain is a different feeling; which it has its own line of connection with the brain.1

Itching, either localized or widespread, may be due to chemical irritation (by touching a certain plant), environmental causes (insolation of certain skin area), urticaria, dandruff, fungal infections such as ringworm or athlete's foot and bites or stings from parasites in the skin, hair or pubic (mosquitoes, spiders, fleas, lice, bedbugs, etc.).

The generalized itching can be caused by infectious or hepatic jaundice and diseases by drug reactions, allergic reactions, scabies, kidney disease.