
Bull vs Hammer vs Jasmine

Bull vs Hammer vs Jasmine

Banteng (Bos javanicus), is an animal that had relatives with cows found in Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Borneo, Java, and Bali. Hammer is a tool used to give impact to the object. Jasmine is a flower plant ornamental shrubs such as chronic trunked upright living. Who will win?

Bull or tembadau (of the Java language, banṭhèng), Bos javanicus, are animals that sekerabat with cows found in Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Borneo, Java, and Bali
Bull or tembadau (of the Java language, banṭhèng), Bos javanicus, is an animal that had relatives with cows found in Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Borneo, Java, and Bali. The bull was taken to Northern Australia during British colonization Kingdom in 1849 and remain to this day.

There are three types of wild ox: B. javanicus javanicus (Java, Madura and Bali), B. javanicus lowi (in Kalimantan, the males are brown instead of black), and B. javanicus birmanicus (in Indochina). Son of the latter type is classified as Threatened by the IUCN.

The bull can reach a height of about 1,6m at the shoulder and weigh 2.3 m. Weight bull usually about 680-810 kg - a very large male can weigh a ton - while females are lighter. Banteng have white on the lower legs and buttocks, white hump, and white color around the eyes and muzzle, however there is little sexual dimorphism in these traits. Males have blue-black skin or dark, long horns curved upward, and hump over the shoulders. Meanwhile, the female has a reddish brown coat, small horns, which leads into and no hump.

Hammer or hammer is a tool used to give impact to the object
Hammer or hammer is a tool used to give impact to the object. Commonly used for nailing hammer, fix an object, forging metal and destroy an object. Hammer is designed for a specific purpose with variations in shape and structure. The general shape of the handle of the hammer comprises a hammer and hammer heads, with most of the weight is in the head of the hammer. The basic design of the hammer to be easy to use, but there are also models of mechanical hammers operated for much greater. Large hammer in Indonesian called with a sledgehammer.

Palu is probably the most old equipment is still unknown. Hammer of the rock known to have been used since the year 2,600,000 BC. Palu is the basic equipment for many professions. As an analogy, a hammer was also used as a device designed to provide collision, for example in a catapult mechanism bullets in the gun.

The use of a hammer as a simple tool to use since there were already 2,400,000 BC when various shaped stones were used to break down wood, bone, or other stones to smash and form into another form. Stone hammer made by tying a stone with the handle using a piece of leather or animal muscle. This stone hammer has been used as a hammer around the year 30,000 BC during the middle period of the Paleolithic Stone Age. The archaeological record provides the possibility of a hammer as a tool of the oldest known human.

Jasmine is a flower plant ornamental shrubs such as chronic trunked upright living
Jasmine is a flower plant ornamental shrubs such as chronic trunked upright living. Jasmine is a genus of shrubs and vines in the olive family (Oleaceae). It consists of about 200 species of native plants of tropical and warm temperate regions of Eurasia, Australasia and Oceania. Jasmine is widely cultivated for their flowers typical aroma. In Indonesia, one of jasmine serve as the "flower of the nation" or national symbols are white jasmine (Jasminum sambac), because this flower symbolizes chastity and purity, and is associated with various traditions of many tribes in this country. This flower is a necessity hair ornaments bride in the wedding ceremony of various tribes in Indonesia, especially Javanese and Sundanese. Another popular type is the Gambir jasmine (J. officinale). In Indonesia, jasmine name recognized by the people throughout the archipelago. The names of the region's budget is menuh (Bali), Meulu or Riwat (Aceh), Menyuru (Banda), Melur (Gayo and Batak Karo), Manduru (Manado), Mundu (Bima and Sumbawa) and Manyora (East), Jasmine Salam (UMI), Malete (Madura) and beruq-beruq (Mandar).

In Italy, casablanca jasmine (Jasminum officinalle), called Spanish Jasmine planted in 1692 to be used as a perfume. In 1665 in England cultivated white jasmine (J. sambac) introduced by Duke Casimo de Medici. In 1919 J. discovered jasmine parkeri in Northwestern region of India which is then cultivated in England in 1923.

Among the 200 species of jasmine which have been identified by botanists, only about 9 types of jasmine are commonly cultivated and there are eight types of jasmine with the potential to be used as ornamental plants. Most types of jasmine grows wild in the forests because they have not revealed their economic and social potential. Jasmine plants include jasmine-melatian tribe or Oleaceae.