
Komodo vs Boxing vs Moon

Komodo vs Boxing vs Moon

Komodo is the world's largest lizard species that live on the island of Komodo, Rinca, Flores, Gili Mota, and Gili Dasami in Nusa Tenggara. Boxing is a sport and a martial art featuring two participants with similar weight fight each other using their fists in a series of matches berinterval one or three minutes which is called a round. The Moon is Earth's natural satellite is the only and the fifth largest moon in the Solar System. Who will win?

Komodo is the world's largest lizard species that live on the island of Komodo, Rinca, Flores, Gili Mota, and Gili Dasami in Nusa Tenggara
Komodo, or more so-called Komodo dragons (Varanus komodoensis), is the world's largest lizard species that live on the island of Komodo, Rinca, Flores, Gili Mota, and Gili Dasami in Nusa Tenggara. This iguana by the natives of Komodo island is also known by local names ora.

Including family members Varanidae lizard, and klad Toxicofera, dragons are the largest lizards in the world, with an average length of 2-3 meters. Large size is associated with symptoms of island gigantism, the tendency for body meraksasanya certain animals that live on a small island linked to the absence of carnivorous mammals on the island where dragons live, and the rate of metabolism of small dragons. Because of his body, lizards occupying a top predator that dominates the ecosystem in which they live.

In the wild, adult Komodo dragon usually weighs around 70 kilograms, but dragons are kept in captivity often have a greater body weight. Wild specimens of the largest ever of 3:13 meters in length and weighing about 166 kilograms, including the weight of undigested food in his stomach. Although dragons recorded as the largest living lizard, but not the longest. This reputation held by the Papua monitor lizard (Varanus salvadorii).

Komodo does not have the sense of hearing, despite having the ear hole. This lizard is able to see as far as 300 m, but because the retina contains only cones, the animal is probably not so good look at the darkness of night. Komodo is able to distinguish colors, but not how able to distinguish objects that do not move.

Boxing is a sport and a martial art featuring two participants with similar weight fight each other using their fists in a series of matches berinterval one or three minutes which is called a round
Boxing is a sport and a martial art featuring two participants with similar weight fight each other using their fists in a series of matches berinterval one or three minutes which is called a round. Both in the Olympic or professional sports, both fighters avoid their opponent's punches while trying to land a punch of their own to the opponent.

Values ​​are given for a clean and steady blow to the front of the waist up legitimate opponents, with blows to the head and chest got more value. Boxer with a higher value after a number of rounds that are planned to be declared the winner. Victory also be achieved if the opponent is knocked down and unable to rise until the count of ten of the referee (a Knockout, or KO) or if the opponent is declared unable to continue the match (a Technical Knockout, or TKO). For the purposes of the record matches, TKO KO count.

The word "boxing" is "Pugilism". Pugilism word derived from the Latin word, pugilatus or loans from the greek word Pugno, Pignis, Pugnare, indicating everything was boxy. Boxing Man, if clenched, shaped like a box. The Greek word means Pugno hands clenched into fists, ready to pugnos, fighting, boxing. In mythology, the father and Boxing is Poliux, the twin brother of Castor, the legendary son of Jupiter and Leda.

The first boxing match in history are among others against Abel. Book Mahabharata also noted boxing matches, where it precedes the recording stories of fights among the Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians. The first famous boxer named Theagenes of Greek nationals Thaos who won the Olympic Games of 450 BC. He did the game as much as 1,406 times by using said boxing glove made of iron. Most of the opponents were killed while fighting against it. Although boxing is famous for centuries as a form of entertainment, but an Englishman named James Ping is James Broughton, british champion, who is also the first person to use a boxing glove. Regulations and boxing glove is introduced on August 10, 1973.

The Moon is Earth's natural satellite is the only and the fifth largest moon in the Solar System
The Moon is Earth's natural satellite is the only and the fifth largest moon in the Solar System. Moon is also the largest natural satellite in the Solar System planets diorbitnya according to size, with a diameter of 27%, 60% density, mass and 1/81 (1:23%) from Earth. Among other natural satellite, the Moon is the second densest satellite after Io, a satellite of Jupiter.

Moon thought to have formed about 4.5 billion years ago, shortly after the formation of the Earth. Although there are a number of hypotheses on the origins of the Moon, the most accepted hypothesis is now clear that the Moon formed from the fragments were separated after an object the size of Mars collided with the Earth.

The noun moon derives from the Moone (around 1380), which also evolved from the word mone (1135), derived from the Old English word Mona (before 725). As with all of the words relatives in other Germanic languages, the word is derived from the Proto-Germanic * mǣnōn.

Another term for the Moon is lunar, derived from the Latin Luna. Other less common designation is Selenic, from the Ancient Greek Selene (Σελήνη), which later became the basis of naming selenografi.