
iOS vs Coconut vs Rainbow

iOS vs Coconut vs Rainbow

iOS is a mobile device operating system developed and distributed by Apple Inc. Coconut is the sole member of the clan of the tribe palm Cocos-arenan or Arecaceae. Rainbow is an optical and meteorological phenomenon in the form of a multicolored light parallel to each other in the sky or other medium. Who will win?

iOS is a mobile device operating system developed and distributed by Apple Inc
iOS (formerly iPhone OS) is a mobile device operating system developed and distributed by Apple Inc. The operating system was first launched in 2007 for the iPhone and iPod Touch, and has been developed to support other Apple devices such as iPad and Apple TV. Unlike Windows Phone (Windows CE) Microsoft and Google Android, Apple does not license iOS for installation on non-Apple hardware. On September 12, 2012, Apple's App Store contains more than 700,000 iOS applications, which collectively have been downloaded more than 30 billion times. SO has a market share of 14.9% for the unit operating system smart phone mobile devices sold in the third quarter of 2012, the largest after Google's Android. In June 2012, covers 65% iOS web data consumption of mobile devices (including the iPod Touch and iPad). In mid-2012, there were 410 million mobile devices were activated. According to Apple on September 12, 2012, 400 million mobile iOS devices have been sold throughout the month of June 2012.

The user interface of iOS is based on the concept of direct manipulation using multi-touch movement. Elements of the user interface controls include sliders, switches, and buttons. Interaction with the OS includes gestures such as sliding, touch, pinch, and flip open, each has its own meaning in the context of the IOS operating system and interface multisentuhnya. Internal accelerometer is used by a number of applications that can respond to pengguncangan tools (eg, cancel the action) or rotate in three dimensions (eg, switching from portrait to landscape mode).

iOS is derived from OS X, which has a foundation of Darwin and therefore iOS is a Unix operating system. iOS is the mobile version of the OS X operating system used on Apple computers.

On iOS, there are four layers of abstraction, the Core OS, Core Services, Media and Cocoa Touch. The latest version of this operating system (iOS 7) set aside 1.5 s.d. 2 GB memory of mobile devices to the system partition by using the 800 MB partition (depending on model) for iOS-only.

 Coconut is the sole member of the clan of the tribe palm Cocos-arenan or Arecaceae
Coconut (Cocos nucifera) is the sole member of the clan of the tribe palm Cocos-arenan or Arecaceae. This plant is used almost all parts by humans that is considered as a versatile plant, especially for coastal communities. Coconut also is the name for the fruit produced by this plant.

This plant is expected to come from the Indian Ocean coast on the Asian side, but has now spread throughout the world's tropical coast.

Tree with a single trunk or sometimes branched. Root fibers, thick and woody, crowding formed hump, adaptive on the sandy beach area. Stems jointed old but when it is not too visible, distinctive type of monocots with the vessel spread (not concentric), woody. The wood is less well used for building. Leaves a single leaf with pertulangan pinnate leaves bertoreh so deep that look like compound leaves. Flowers are arranged on a circuit that is protected compound by bractea; There are male and female flowers, monoecious, the female flowers located at the base of the bouquet, while the male flowers in areas remote from the base. Great fruit, diameter 10 cm to 20 cm or even more, yellow, green, or brown; Fruit composed of fibers berlignin mesokarp form, called coir, protects the hard endocarp (called shells) and waterproof; endocarp protects the seeds only protected by a membrane attached to the inner side of endocarp. Endospermium a liquid that contains many enzymes, and the solid phase settles on the walls of endocarp along with the aging of the fruit; tiny embryo and newly enlarged when the fruit is ready to germinate (called kentos).

Rainbow is an optical and meteorological phenomenon in the form of a multicolored light parallel to each other in the sky or other medium
Rainbow is an optical and meteorological phenomenon in the form of a multicolored light parallel to each other in the sky or other medium. In the sky, the rainbow appears as an arc of light at the end leads to the horizon at a time of light rain. Rainbow can also be seen in around a raging waterfall.

Solar light is polychromatic light (made up of many colors). The white color of sunlight is actually a combination of various light with a wavelength that is different. The human eye is capable of perceiving at least seven colors contained in sunlight, which will look at the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.

This light wavelength band to form parallel lines, each color shades with a color next to it. This tape is called the color spectrum. In the color spectrum, the red line has always been on one side and blue and purple on the other side, and this is determined by the difference in wavelength.

Rainbow is none other than the color spectrum arc shaped loop that occurs due to refraction of sunlight by drops of water. When sunlight pass through water droplets, it is refracted as when penetrating a prism of glass and out into a spectrum of rainbow colors. So in a trickle of water, we've got different colors lined up from one side to the other water droplets. Some of the colored light is then reflected from the far side in the water droplets, back and forth more than a trickle of water. Light came back from a trickle of water in different directions, depending on the color. The colors of the rainbow is made with red at the top and purple at the bottom of the rainbow.