
Democracy vs Fart vs Mask

Democracy vs Fart vs Mask

Democracy is a form of government in which all citizens have equal rights in making decisions that can change their lives. Fart is the release of gas through the anus or rectum due to accumulation of gas in the stomach. Mask is an object worn over the face. Who will win?

Democracy is a form of government in which all citizens have equal rights in making decisions that can change their lives
Democracy is a form of government in which all citizens have equal rights in making decisions that can change their lives. Democracy allow citizens to participate, directly or through representatives-in the formulation, development, and manufacture of the law. Democracy includes the social, economic, and cultural practices that allow their political freedom freely and equally.

The word "democracy" first appeared on the political and philosophical schools of ancient Greece in the city-state of Athens. Led by Cleisthenes, Athenians founded the country generally regarded as the first democracy in the years 508-507 BC. Cleisthenes called the "father of Athenian democracy."

Although the Roman Republic contributed much to the various aspects of democracy, only a small part of the Roman people who have the right to vote in the legislative elections. The powerful voice embellished through gerrymandering system, so most high-ranking officials, including members of the Senate, came from wealthy families and nobles.

Fart is the release of gas through the anus or rectum due to accumulation of gas in the stomach
Fart is the release of gas through the anus or rectum due to accumulation of gas in the stomach (especially of the large intestine or colon). Gas discharge event is also called flatus or often called Fart. Fart usually characterized by heartburn in the stomach.

And usually smelled busuk.Ini often a sign that a person:
- Excess eating certain foods.
- Want to defecate.
- Experiencing the side effects of certain drugs.
- Suffering from constipation or constipation.
- Average colds.

It mainly contains: nitrogen, oxygen, methane (produced by bacteria or germs and flammable), carbon dioxide, hydrogen and others. The exit gas can be pungent due to the gas content bergugus indole or hydrosulfide (S-H) are mixed. The human sense of smell is quite reactive to the compounds containing this group. Could fart on fire, because farts contain methane and hydrogen is flammable. When burned, the flames are blue because the content of the element hydrogen. But fart gas will not burn under normal conditions because of another consistency. Also the temperature is not hot enough to start burning.

Fermentation of bacteria from the digestive process produces heat, the result is a foul gas. The size of the gas bubbles are smaller, warmer and saturated with products of bacterial metabolism malodorous. This gas then becomes fart, though only a small volume. Therefore farts rotten it usually is warm and silent.

Mask is an object worn over the face
The mask is an object worn over the face. Usually the mask used to accompany the music of local arts. Mask in the area of ​​art in general to honor the god or clarify the nature of the accompanying art. Shape assortment mask depicting the character is no anger, there is depicting gentle, and those that depict wisdom.

The mask has become one of the oldest forms of expression ever invented civilization. In most of the world community, the mask plays an important role in various sides of life which stores the values ​​of magical and sacred. This is because the role of great mask as special symbols in various uparaca and cultural activities are sublime.

Modern society now puts the mask as a high art form. Not only because of its aesthetic beauty, but the mystery that is stored on a face mask still able to radiate a magical power that is hard to explain.