
Coconut vs Helicopter vs Leaf

Coconut vs Helicopter vs Leaf

Coconut (Cocos nucifera) is the sole member of the clan of the tribe palm Cocos-arenan or Arecaceae. The helicopter is an aircraft that is heavier than air, winged rotating rotors driven by the engine. Leaves is one organ that grow out of twigs, usually green (containing chlorophyll) and mainly serves as a catcher energy from sunlight for photosynthesis. Who will win?

Coconut (Cocos nucifera) is the sole member of the clan of the tribe palm Cocos-arenan or Arecaceae
Coconut (Cocos nucifera) is the sole member of the clan of the tribe palm Cocos-arenan or Arecaceae. This plant is used almost all parts by humans that is considered as a versatile plant, especially for coastal communities. Coconut also is the name for the fruit produced by this plant.

This plant is expected to come from the Indian Ocean coast on the Asian side, but has now spread throughout the world's tropical coast.

Tree with a single trunk or sometimes branched. Root fibers, thick and woody, crowding formed hump, adaptive on the sandy beach area. Stems jointed old but when it is not too visible, distinctive type of monocots with the vessel spread (not concentric), woody. The wood is less well used for building. Leaves a single leaf with pertulangan pinnate leaves bertoreh so deep that look like compound leaves. Flowers are arranged on a circuit that is protected compound by bractea; There are male and female flowers, monoecious, the female flowers located at the base of the bouquet, while the male flowers in areas remote from the base. Great fruit, diameter 10 cm to 20 cm or even more, yellow, green, or brown; Fruit composed of fibers berlignin mesokarp form, called coir, protects the hard endocarp (called shells) and waterproof; endocarp protects the seeds only protected by a membrane attached to the inner side of endocarp. Endospermium a liquid that contains many enzymes, and the solid phase settles on the walls of endocarp along with the aging of the fruit; tiny embryo and newly enlarged when the fruit is ready to germinate (called kentos).

The helicopter is an aircraft that is heavier than air, winged rotating rotors driven by the engine
The helicopter is an aircraft that is heavier than air, winged rotating rotors driven by the engine. The helicopter is an aircraft that is lifted and pushed by one or more rotor (propeller) large horizontal. Helicopters are classified as rotary winged aircraft to distinguish it from other ordinary fixed winged aircraft. The word comes from the Greek helicopter helix (spiral) and pteron (wing). Helicopter run by machines created by the inventor of Slovakia in January Bahyl.

Compared with fixed wing aircraft, helicopters are more complex and more expensive to purchase and operate, quite slow, has a range near payload and limited. While the upside is the movement; the helicopter is able to fly in space, backed up, and take off and land vertically. Limited in additional facilities of fuel and load / altitude, the helicopter can fly to any location, and land wherever the pitch of the rotor and a half in diameter. Helipad called helipad.

The helicopter can fly because the lifting force generated by the air flow generated from the blades of the propeller rotor. Vane that drain the air flow from top to bottom. The air flow so heavy so it can lift objects weighing dozens of tons. The theory is actually quite simple but cumbersome practice.

Leaves is one organ that grow out of twigs, usually green (containing chlorophyll) and mainly serves as a catcher energy from sunlight for photosynthesis
Leaves is one organ that grow out of twigs, usually green (containing chlorophyll) and mainly serves as a catcher energy from sunlight for photosynthesis. Leaves an important organ for the plant in the hold of his life because the plants are obligate autotrophic organisms, he must supply its own energy through the conversion of sunlight energy into chemical energy.

Perfect leaves composed of three parts: fronds, stalks (petiolus) and leaves. Leaf sheaths of leaves on the stem seat. Petiole connects midrib or stem with leaves. Leaves an important part of most of the leaves as this is where the main functions of the leaves as the most dominant photosynthetic organ works.

Shape of the leaves varies, but is usually in the form of strands, can be thin or thick. Two-dimensional picture of the leaves are used as a differentiator to other forms of leaves. The basic shape of rounded leaves, with variations lobe menjari or become elliptical and elongated. Long tapered shape can be extreme.

Leaf jewelry assortment. The leaf surface can be covered with tiny hairs. In between the base of the leaves or leaf stalks are often decorated with Stipule. In the leaves of grasses, on the border of the strands and midrib often decorated tongues (LIGULA).

The leaves can also be a thorn modification (eg cactus) and the result leaves lose their function as photosynthetic organs. Succulent plant leaves or Xerophyte can also undergo transition into a water-storage organs function.

The green color in leaves derived from the content of chlorophyll in the leaves. Chlorophyll is the pigment compound that plays a role in the selection of the wavelength of light energy captured in photosynthesis. Actually, the leaves also have other pigments such as carotenoids (orange), xantofil (yellow) and anthocyanins (red, blue, or purple, depending on the degree of acidity). Old leaves lose chlorophyll so that the color changed to yellow or red (can be seen clearly on the fallen leaves).