
Helmet vs Earthquake vs Bat

Helmet vs Earthquake vs Bat

Helmet is a form of body protection is worn on the head and usually made of metal or other hard materials such as kevlar, fiber resin, or plastic. Earthquake is vibration or shock that occurs in the Earth's surface due to the release of energy from a sudden that creates seismic waves. Bat is an order of placental mammals whose upper extremities developed as wings. Who will win?

Helmet is a form of body protection is worn on the head and usually made of metal or other hard materials such as kevlar, fiber resin, or plastic
Helmet is a form of body protection is worn on the head and usually made of metal or other hard materials such as kevlar, fiber resin, or plastic.

Helmets are typically used as head protection for a variety of combat activities (military), or civic activities such as sports, mining, or drive. Helmets can provide additional protection on the part of the head (depending on its structure) from falling objects or high speed.

In some countries, mandatory helmet use for motorcyclists, and some even require it for non-motorized cyclists. In the UK only Sikhs are allowed to not wear a helmet because it must wear a turban.

Helmet is the core protection mechanism of energy absorption momentum received to all parts of the helmet. Therefore, although there are various forms helmet shape and its structure into account its ability to absorb collision energy. Size and weight are also other considerations because the larger size also increases the risk of the user.

Earthquake is vibration or shock that occurs in the Earth's surface due to the release of energy from a sudden that creates seismic waves.
Earthquake is vibration or shock that occurs in the Earth's surface due to the release of energy from a sudden that creates seismic waves. Earthquakes typically caused by the movement of the Earth's crust (earth plate). The frequency of a given region, referring to the type and size of earthquakes were experienced over a period of time. Earthquakes are measured by using a seismometer. Moment magnitude is the most common scale in which earthquakes occur worldwide. Rickter Scale is a scale that is reported by the national seismological observatories are measured on a scale of local magnitude 5 magnitude. Both the same scale over a range of numbers is valid. An earthquake of magnitude 3 or more are mostly hardly noticeable and its large 7 over potentially cause serious damage over large areas, depending on the depth of the earthquake.

The historic magnitude earthquake has over 9, although there is no limit magnitude. The last major earthquake magnitude 9.0 or greater was 9.0 magnitude earthquake in Japan in 2011 (as of March 2011), and it was the largest Japanese earthquake since records began. The intensity of vibration is measured on a modified Mercalli Intensity Scale.

Most earthquakes are caused from the release of energy produced by the pressure caused by the moving slab. The longer the pressure that the growing and eventually reach the state in which the pressure can not be detained again by the outskirts of the slab. That's when earthquakes will occur.

Earthquakes usually happen at the aforementioned borders of those continental shelf. The most severe earthquakes typically occur at plate boundaries compressional and translational. Earthquake focus in would likely occur because of material sandwiched into the lithospheric layer undergoes a phase transition at a depth of more than 600 km.

Several other earthquakes can also occur due to movement of magma inside the volcano. Earthquakes like it could be a symptom of impending volcanic eruption. Several earthquakes (rare but) also occur due to accumulated huge mass of water behind the dam, such as the Caribbean Dam in Zambia, Africa. Some (infrequently) can also occur due to injection or akstraksi liquid from / into the Earth (eg. At some thermal power plant site and in the Rocky Mountain Arsenal. Recently, earthquakes can also occur from blasting explosives. It can make scientists monitoring the secret tests of nuclear weapons by the government. earthquakes are caused by humans as it is also called induced seismicity.

Bat is an order of placental mammals whose upper extremities developed as wings
Bat (Chiroptera) is an order of placental mammals whose upper extremities developed as wings. With about 1100 species, representing about 20% of all species of mammals, 3 which makes them the second largest order of this class (behind rodents). I are present in all continents, except Antártida.

They are the only mammals that can fly, have been extended by almost everyone and have occupied a variety of different ecological niches. They play a vital ecological role as pollinators and also develop an important role in seed dispersal; many tropical plants depend entirely on the forelegs murciélagos. have turned into wings and more than half of known species are targeted and hunted by the ecolocación. About 70% of species are insectivorous and most frugívoras of the rest; some feed on small vertebrates like frogs, rodents, birds, fish, other bats or, as in the case of vampires (subfamily Desmodontinae) of blood.

Its size ranges from 29-33 mm in length and 2 g weight bumblebee bat (Kitti's Hog-Nosed Bat), to more than 1.5 m wingspan and 1.2 kg of the Philippine flying fox (Acerodon jubatus).

Because of the nocturnal habits of most of its species and ancestral misunderstanding about how they could in the dark, were considered and still are often seen as sinister inhabitants of the night, and with few exceptions (such as in China, where they are a symbol of happiness and enjoyment) in most of the world bats have caused fear among humans throughout history; essential icons in horror movies, appearing in many myths and legends and, although in reality only three species are bloodsucking, often are associated with the mythological vampires.