
Doughnut vs Spoon vs Escalator

Doughnut vs Spoon vs Escalator

The donuts are fried snacks, made from a dough of flour, sugar, eggs and butter. Spoons are cutlery that have a basin-shaped oval or oval at one end and a handle at the other end. Escalators is one of the vertical transportation in the form of a conveyor to transport people, consisting of a separate staircase that can move up and down following the path in the form of rail or chains are driven by a motor. Who will win?

The donuts are fried snacks, made from a dough of flour, sugar, eggs and butter
The donuts are fried snacks, made from a dough of flour, sugar, eggs and butter. The most common is the donut-shaped ring with a hole in the middle and a donut-shaped circular with a sweet contents, such as various types of jam, jelly, cream and custard.

Completely different donuts with bagels, ranging from dough material, the technique of making up ways to serve, although both have almost the same shape.

The origins of the donut is often a source of debate. One theory is that the donut was brought to North America by immigrants from the Netherlands are also popularizing other desserts, such as cookies, pies cream (cream pie) and a fruit pie (cobbler).

Another story says donut-shaped ring of Denmark created the ship's captain named Hanson Gregory. The captain often had to drive the boat with both hands because the ship is often hit by hurricanes. Fried cakes are eaten while driving inserted into the steering wheel the ship, so that the cake be perforated. Incidentally the center of the cake too often immature, so the donuts deliberately perforated in the center so that the surface of the donuts were exposed to oil increases and donuts precocious.

Spoons are cutlery that have a basin-shaped oval or oval at one end and a handle at the other end
Spoons are cutlery that have a basin-shaped oval or oval at one end and a handle at the other end. Spoons are generally held in the right hand to pick up food from a plate or bowl and popped it into his mouth, while the fork is held in the left hand helps put food into the spoon.

Spoons can be made from various materials. The most commonly made of metal, but in ancient times from the timber. There is also a spoon made of plastic, usually only used once and then discarded or stored for keepsake.

Teaspoon is a kind of small spoons which can accommodate about 5 milliliters of liquid. Teaspoon generally used for stirring the contents of a cup of coffee or tea.

Tea spoon used to stir the drinks generally are not designed to accommodate the number of standards. For measurements requiring accuracy, there is a teaspoon specifically designed for this purpose.

Escalators is one of the vertical transportation in the form of a conveyor to transport people, consisting of a separate staircase that can move up and down following the path in the form of rail or chains are driven by a motor
Escalators is one of the vertical transportation in the form of a conveyor to transport people, consisting of a separate staircase that can move up and down following the path in the form of rail or chains are driven by a motor.

Because it is driven by an electric motor, the escalator is designed to transport people from bottom to top or vice versa. For a short distance escalator used worldwide for transporting pedestrians where the elevator is not practical. Its use, especially in the area of ​​shopping malls, airports, transit systems, convention centers, hotels and other public facilities.

Advantages of escalators pretty much like having the capacity to move a number of people in large numbers and there is no waiting time interval, especially in the rush hour and directing people to certain places like the exit, special meetings, etc.