
Donkey vs Salt vs Cigar

Donkey vs Salt vs Cigar

Donkey (Equus asinus) is a mammal of the family Equidae. Common salt, popularly known as salt, is a type of salt called sodium chloride (or sodium chloride), whose chemical formula is NaCl. Cigars is a whole roll of tobacco leaves that are dried and fermented, one end is burned and the smoke inhaled by mouth through the other end. Who will win?

Donkey (Equus asinus) is a mammal of the family Equidae
Donkey (Equus asinus) is a mammal of the family Equidae. A tame animals used for of transportation and other work, such as pulling the carriage and plow the fields.

Donkeys can have children mix with horses. Filly and a male donkey is called a mule. Child donkey and a stallion called a hinny. Mules are more common, and have been used to transport people and objects.

Donkeys, animals are also still horse family have been with humans since 5000 last year. The ancestors of the donkey is the African wild donkey or mule e. Africanus. Even the donkey was already demonstrated the power of his body, by being a work animal. Donkey becomes a means of transportation that is devoted to bring the goods, while the owner of the goods will be riding.

Common salt, popularly known as salt, is a type of salt called sodium chloride (or sodium chloride), whose chemical formula is NaCl
Common salt, popularly known as salt, is a type of salt called sodium chloride (or sodium chloride), whose chemical formula is NaCl. There are three types of common salt, according to their origin: the sea salt and spring, which are obtained by evaporation; rock salt, which comes from the mining of mineral rock called halite, and vegetable salt, obtained by concentration by boiling a cereal plant (method also used for producing sugar from another grass plant) that it grows in the desert Kalahari.1

The salt provides one of the basic food flavors, salt, 2 it is possible to perceive because the language has specific receptors for detection. The consumption of salt changes the behavior towards food, because it is a generator of appetite and stimulates ingesta.3 4 It is mainly used in two areas: as a condiment for some dishes and as a preservative in cured meats and fish ( even some vegetables), as well as the development of certain encurtidos.5 Since the nineteenth century, the industrial use of salt has diversified and is involved in many processes, such as in the paper industry (sodium hydroxide - NaOH-), the manufacture of cosmetics, chemical industry and so on. In the twenty-first century, world production of all salt for human consumption does not reach 25 percent of total production.

Cigars is a whole roll of tobacco leaves that are dried and fermented, which - similar to a cigarette - one end is burned and the smoke inhaled by mouth through the other end
Cigars is a whole roll of tobacco leaves that are dried and fermented, which - similar to a cigarette - one end is burned and the smoke inhaled by mouth through the other end. Tobacco for cigars is mainly cultivated in countries such as Brazil, Cameroon, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Honduras, Indonesia, Mexico, Nicaragua, and the United States with cigars from Cuba is considered an icon for cigars.

Explorer Christopher Columbus is generally credited with introducing tobacco to Europe. Two crew Columbus during a trip in 1492, Rodrigo de Jerez and Luis de Torres, who is said to have encountered tobacco for the first time on the island of San Salvador in the Bahamas, when natives served with dried leaves scattered strange aroma. Tobacco is widely distributed among all the islands of the Caribbean and therefore they again encountered in Cuba, where Columbus and his men had settled.

Many modern cigars, as a matter of prestige and quality, are still rolled by hand, most notably in Central America and Cuba and also in chinchales found in almost every sizable city in the United States. Boxes of hand-rolled cigars bear the phrase totalmente a mano (totally by hand) or hecho a mano (made by hand).